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Keep track of changes to your construction set with inQR.
inQR creates QR Codes for your construction sets in your project folders. Setup in minutes.
To add your QR code to a construction set (in Bluebeam):
Press I.
Navigate to your project folder.
Insert qr.png appropriately on the set (from which you can apply to multiple pages if needed).
Scan the QR Code to track all changes, as well as have quick access to all your construction documents.
Only 1 license required per organization.
Amazon's secure backend services and AWS Backup of all files.
Ability to ignore or include certain filepath keywords in the scan.
Auto-generates QR codes when files are added and the software is running. Will also track changes when the software restarts after a period.
Click to download links of files while tracking changes.
Only one user with access to the organizational server needs to have the software for full functionality.
inQR is in the final testing stage and will be available soon.
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